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Diffyg Deall
Spoken word
Performed at the library at
Chelsea College of Arts, London


  1. Furtively - I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with aerospace terminology.

  2. Brazenly - I was too busy rewatching Alan Partridge to find the definition.

  3. Syntagmatic - I’m not entirely familiar with this brand of washing machine. I can, however, list alphabetically every single brand of caravan from 1983 onwards.

  4. Uyghur - Sometimes I get distracted when I phlegm. In this instance I asked a friend for the definition of this word. As he explained it to me, I phlegmed so loud I couldn’t hear what he said to me. I was too polite to ask him to repeat what he said. I then proceeded to look out the window and a Toyota Prius caught my eye.

  5. Hydraulic - I haven’t read the updated version of The Joy of Mixology.

  6. Semiotic - I don’t dabble with religion and I don’t plan on either.

  7. Etymology - Mythical creatures just aren’t my thing.

  8. Apothacary - This is a word only opticians use. I am not an optician. They have a secret society and use secret terminology. I am not an optician therefore I am void of knowing what this word means.

  9. Monolith - I thought I knew what this word meant, I was wrong.

  10. Eucharist - If my geography skills were good I think I may know what this word means. Geography wasn’t taught to me at school. I think this may contribute to me being lost all the time.

  11. Animism - I think I heard this word once in a Smiths song. I forgot to ask Morrissey what it meant. We had a lovely pub lunch though.

  12. Cacophony - Maybe if I read the I Ching I may know what this word means.

  13. Gaussian - I was too busy ironing my tea towels to look up the definition. I also decided I didn’t want to know the definition of this word as there are two ‘s’ next to each other. That makes a hissing sound. I don’t want to be a snake.

  14. Matrix - I know it’s a film. I don’t know what the film is about as I’ve not seen it. I also don’t know the definition. It’s probably linked with the former.

  15. Sirloin - I know it’s a part of a cow, I don't know which part. Never really been a fan of steak.

  16. Macau - I hate Eurovision.

  17. Totalitarian - A well informed librarian is my guess. My second guess is that it’s something to do with the miner strike. Maybe Thatcher invented the word as she proceeded with world domination. Regardless, my reason for not knowing this word is, quite frankly, I fell asleep.

  18. Eugenics - I used to get mad at my school, the teachers who taught me weren’t cool.

  19. Euthanasia - My knowledge of Asia and Ethiopia has failed me here.

  20. Jamiroquai - Been too busy playing Love Foolosophy on repeat to even bother looking up the meaning.

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